Liste aller Produkte des Herstellers Ofifran

Since 1990, the company Ofifran S.L. designs, manufactures and commercializes office furniture in more than 50 countries. Developing and improving its product range constantly, we have driven having a particular way of looking at office furniture, giving a lot of importance to the general concept and the diversity of the design by means of looking at every individual detail.

Every office space collection has its own special and unique image which helps its owner to express its individuality and originality.

Ofifran S.L. guarantees an immeasurable quality of which the materials and usage of this are a variety of shapes and finishes to satisfy even the most demanding tastes.

Ray I - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran Discover the value of innovation. A perfect balance between the tradition and the modern space in the office.Stylish and ergonomic are the values that express its design.


Ray II - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran Discover the value of innovation. A perfect balance between the tradition and the modern space in the office.Stylish and ergonomic are the values that express its design.


Ray III - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran Discover the value of innovation. A perfect balance between the tradition and the modern space in the office.Stylish and ergonomic are the values that express its design.


Ray Wood I - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran Discover the value of innovation. A perfect balance between the tradition and the modern space in the office.Stylish and ergonomic are the values that express its design.


Ray Wood II - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran Discover the value of innovation. A perfect balance between the tradition and the modern space in the office.Stylish and ergonomic are the values that express its design.


Ray Wood III - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran Discover the value of innovation. A perfect balance between the tradition and the modern space in the office.Stylish and ergonomic are the values that express its design.


Square I - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran The stylistic investigation of its surface found on a wood frame fusing an unique form, its geometry is amazingly ergonomic and comfortable, make square an exclusive system.


Square II - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran The stylistic investigation of its surface found on a wood frame fusing an unique form, its geometry is amazingly ergonomic and comfortable, make square an exclusive system.


Square III - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran The stylistic investigation of its surface found on a wood frame fusing an unique form, its geometry is amazingly ergonomic and comfortable, make square an exclusive system.


Square IV - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran The stylistic investigation of its surface found on a wood frame fusing an unique form, its geometry is amazingly ergonomic and comfortable, make square an exclusive system.


Square V - Arbeitssessel von Ofifran The stylistic investigation of its surface found on a wood frame fusing an unique form, its geometry is amazingly ergonomic and comfortable, make square an exclusive system.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items